When applying for a visa or green card, it can be an exhaustive, stressful and emotional process. Getting approved for a visa or green card can take upwards of 10 years. It is a long and sometimes frustrating procedure. One way we can speed the process up is by getting a clinical evaluation. A clinical evaluation is something that can be used by your attorneys to aid and assist your immigration process. A clinical evaluation is also very helpful when applying for an immigration waiver. There are 4 types of immigration waiver: Extreme and Exceptional Hardship Waivers, Spousal Abuse – VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), Visa U (Victims of crime) and Political asylum. Extreme and Exceptional Hardship Waivers are when a legal US citizen suffers extreme hardship from going to the home country for 2 years for the immigrant or the legal citizen left the United States to stay with said immigrant. Spousal abuse (VAWA) waiver is when the immigrant is in an abusive marriage with a legal U.S. citizen and seeks to divorce their spouse. This waiver applies to both women and men. A U-Visa is when legal status is given to immigrant and undocumented immigrants who have experienced serious crimes while in the United States. A T-Visa is a type of visa that is given to victims of human trafficking, forced labor, sex trade. Political asylum is the petitioning for legal status when they have been exposed to deprivation, extreme abuse and punishment in their home country. All of these require a clinical evaluation to help speed the process up.