This Tuesday, August 30th, 2022, The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as DACA, had a new law out into action. President Joe Biden introduced and codified a new order put into action for the first time. This new rule gives DACA recipients more protection. This final-rule was written in 450 pages and is […]
What Is The 100-Mile Zone
In recent months, a certain law has been circulating social media and news networks about something called the 100-mile zone. The 100-mile zone is essentially an act created in 1952 that states employees of the United States responsible for immigration such as the USCIS, ICE, and Customs and Border Control have the right to search […]
How Undocumented Students Mental Health Is Overlooked
We can all agree that immigrants face difficult challenges when they arrive in the United States. From finding a job, housing, and economic stability, one element that many people fail to think of is the mental health of immigrants, particularly the mental health of immigrant college students. The United States contains over 427,000 undocumented higher […]
Forced displacement and mental health
What are some problems and stressors that migrants face before, during and after the migration process? During the migration process, migrants and refugees often encounter a variety of issues and stressors, including: Before migration: poverty, violence, armed conflict, and/or persecution; lack of livelihoods and opportunities for education. During migration and transit: migrants are exposed to […]
How can one show evidence of extreme hardship?
Your waiver can be accompanied by several important documents. Your waiver application can be supported by evidence submitted by an experienced immigration attorney. If you are not in the United States with them or if they have to leave the country, the qualifying relative should draft a statement outlining all the reasons they will suffer […]
How to deal with post-immigration depression?
As you can guess from the name, post-migration depression is a mental health condition that affects migrants as they adjust to a new culture and environment. Almost everywhere in the world, people face these challenges as they try to assimilate into a new culture. What are the symptoms of post-immigration depression? Culture shock: Culture shock […]
Children of Immigrants: What are their mental needs?
Generally, conversations about caring for parents begin later in life. Children of immigrants, however, tend to care for their parents across generations and stages of life. Since immigrants represent one-eighth of the U.S. population and children of immigrants represent one in four children in the country, it is critical to understand the immense barriers immigrants […]
Are you looking for a Political Asylum Waiver? Here are some changes made recently.
Changes to the Asylum Process due to COVID-19 In response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control suspended the “introduction” of persons from “Coronavirus Impacted Areas.” Citing this authority, the Border Patrol began “expelling” individuals who arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border without providing them with an opportunity to request asylum. CBP reported […]
What are the benefits of a clinical evaluation for Immigration? Here are 4 benefits.
Psychological assessment can be especially useful in enhancing clinical clarity and informing subsequent interventions and treatments. In addition to educating clients about risks, it is also crucial to point out the numerous other benefits of continuing with an assessment. A client may become fixated on an evaluation that serves only one purpose – to support […]
PTSD and Its Relationship to Migrant Refugees.
PTSD and mental health problems are significantly more common among refugees and asylum seekers than among the general population, compatriots who remain in the refugees’ home country, and economic migrants. Exposure to a high number of potentially traumatic events, involvement in asylum-seeking procedures and forced migration are stressors that set refugees apart from other populations […]